Learning from Rilke #10

Don’t be confused by the nature of solitude, when something inside of you wants to break free of your loneliness.~~~Rainer Maria Rilke

Solitude is space 
large enough to contain

Is that why we fear it?
Why we cling
To bodies, bottles, and illusions?

Solitude is the mirror, clear,
the actor’s stage 
after the curtain is lowered,
the theatre, empty.

Solitude excludes nothing,
tests our reliance
on memories,
our resistance 
to the present.

But solitude is where
awareness lives, and invites,
one seeker at a time, to visit
where music is heard
before it is played,
and poems are composed 
before words appear,
where self finds 
the true self.

Solitude is 
the open hand,
and cleared vision,
a field of possibilities,
the endless vista. 

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